Do Women Really Care About How Much Money You Make?

Mario’s note: there’s no clear or universal answer for this question – it’s very different from place to place. I personally noted that girls in Denmark and Northern Europe (where I live now) don’t question or don’t seem to matter that much how much I earn – in Argentina or in East Asia, where I’ve been traveling for a while this summer, things can be different.

So here’s Dani’s point of view – which, for the record, is a Danish woman now living in Canada. Enter Dani:

Elita LofbladIt is bizarre to me, to be writing about this in a day and age where women demand equality in just about every aspect of life – except they still seem to care about how deep a man’s pockets are. Well, I must qualify this – not every woman cares.

Most days I don’t care – except when I have to pay for every “extra” expense that isn’t in our family budget like a luxury vacation. There is the odd time that I wish my man would cough up a little bit of dough for that Botox treatment that I’ve been pining for. Sigh.

For the most part I am happy to be a financially independent woman. Most of my friends are too. Some of my girlfriends are the breadwinners in their families and they are just fine with that – or so they say.

Some Women Care

Many more women make hushed whispers of how they should be taken care of – wined and dined and bought all of the finer things in life. It’s as if women are expecting to have the best of both worlds – the homemaker lifestyle of yesteryear, where the men made all of the money and women minded the households – and the respect and equality that the modern, independent and successful woman has fought so hard to earn.

The truth of that matter is that we watch television shows like “The Real Housewives of Orange County” and close our eyes and imagine what life would be like if we were able to step into the shoes of this rich, careless, bejeweled woman for just one day.

It sounds glorious…but back to reality: many women are quite happy and proud to contribute to the household earnings. Yes, it is difficult. Women who have children and a full-time career typically do far more household and domestic tasks than men. Arguably, women work much harder. We know in the back of our minds that we will always be earning about 70 cents for every dollar a man earns, but still we persevere. We work not so much because we want to, but because we have to.

Do You Care That She Cares?

So naturally, you need to ask yourself what you want in a woman. Are you okay with someone else being completely financially dependent on you? If not, any woman who questions about your earnings right off the bat should set off red flags for you.

Any comments about your career and how lucrative it is should also be a warning sign. If you aren’t looking to share your income in exchange for some arm candy, you should definitely steer clear of these women.

The Perfect Woman

Whatever woman you fall in love with is presumably a fabulous match for you. All that I hope is that you manage to weed through the unfortunate few that are more interested in your money than your charisma, intelligence and wit.

Believe it or not, there are more than a handful of beautiful, intelligent and intriguing women out there that can appreciate more than just what you wallet contains.

Do Women Really Care About How Much Money You Make? is a post from: Dating Beautiful Women

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