How To Approach Women

You see a beautiful girl from across the room and it seems that she is checking you out as well. What do you do? If you are like the most of the guys out there, then you would probably do nothing and hope for the small miracle that the girl would be the one to approach you.

Approaching and talking to women is a common problem among men and it is not always because of shyness. Some men, even though they are not confident, simply do not know how to approach women.

If you have experienced looking like a total fool in front of a gorgeous lady before, then you better study the subtle art of approaching women. The process can actually be broken down into several steps.

The Eye Contact

Everything starts with the eye contact. Don’t even think of approaching a woman you have not made eye contact with. It would simply startle her and make her feel uncomfortable. Plus, with the eye contact you can gauge if the woman is interested with you or not. If she smiles when your eyes meet, then that is at least a sign that she is friendly and possibly open to meeting people. 

To initiate the eye contact, you can simply look at a woman and wait until she looks back. Keep in mind though that there is a big difference between casually looking at a woman and ogling at her. You would like to come off as cool, not as a jerk.

The Actual Approach

Don’t stop after you’ve successfully made eye contact with a woman. Don’t keep the woman hanging. Your job is not done yet. Now, you must walk over to her. The time between the eye contact and the actual approach is crucial. Do it too fast and you may come across as too eager. Take your sweet time and some other guy may approach your target first.

When walking towards a woman, there is one thing you should remember: don’t appear too cocky or too needy. Be somewhere in between. Just act naturally as if you are walking towards a friend or to the toilet. If you should know one thing about how to approach women, then it is that pickup lines usually do not work unless you are really really handsome, billionaire or a standup comedian. A simple introduction would do. Just extend your hand, introduce yourself and ask for her name.

The Follow Through

Now that you have introduced yourself, what’s next? This is make it, or break it time. You could either make it the most awkward situation in both your lives or turn it into a magical moment where both of you can relax and have fun with each other’s company. You could start a conversation by complimenting her looks. Just don’t say anything about her boobs and butt. 

Keep stories about yourself to a minimum. Let her do most of the talking and be genuinely interested with her stories. When you’ve established some form of connection, that’s the only time that you should ask for her number.

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