The Top 3 ways to flirt

Since time immemorial, men have been looking for flirting tips to land the women of their dreams (more often that hot girl right in front of them) with some success, for the lucky ones. 
For the rest of the male species, this art might as well be rocket science. Professional ‘ladies’ men’ tell you all the time that it is not that difficult.
All you need to do is know how to read women and know what to say. This sounds simple enough, if only women were easy to read and we could stop ourselves from stumbling and fumbling our way through dates.
Flirting is purely subjective. Every woman has that thing that does it for her. Luckily for the men, there are certain flirting tips that are universal and go along way in helping you out with landing that date.
1. Honestly converse.
2. Talk about her.
3. Compliment her and take it slow.

There is a craze that has been going around for ages that you have to put the lady on the defensive. Say something cocky or challenging and watch her squirm. 

This works for the cocky and the honestly good looking. It will work for a little while, probably get you lucky, but if you are looking for a long term relationship, what you want to do is hold an honest conversation with the apple of your eye. 

This doesn’t mean you off load all you earthly worries on her, no. Just do the usual social niceties: ask her name, ask to buy her a drink or take her somewhere nice at reasonable hours and be a gentleman through and through.

You will be surprised how easy it is to be you. The reason most men have a hard time flirting is because they are trying to be what the ‘GURUS’ told them. But that is not who they are. It isn’t natural and therefore comes off as forced and consequently you freeze.

Most men are egocentric. It comes with the ‘male’ manual. But on the first meeting, don’t be too eager to show her your awesomeness through long ‘me, me, me’ narratives. Let her talk about herself. 

Women love this and if you are paying attention (you should be!) you will learn something about her that will help you. Ask intuitive, intelligent and interesting question and just let her go wild with the talking. It will save you the amount of memorized conversation tips and will make you look like a good listener.

Unless you are looking for a one night stand, then you should take it slow. Give her hints that you like her and are interested in having something more, but do not be pushy about it. 

Compliment her only when it’s sincere and when it’s not sincere, compliment her anyway. Women like being appreciated. Sexual innuendos are okay, but keep it tasteful. After all, you want to end up with her some day, so cultivating sexual tension is good. Go easy on the jokes. 

We all know you are a funny guy, but one memorized joke after another comes off as cheesy. Infuse them within the conversation when possible and keep the conversations short and as sweet as can be.

If you have noticed, the above flirting tips are tailored for gentlemen. The ‘Bad Boy’ role is awesome but only if you can pull it off. Either way, using these tips as a bad boy works too. Only the jokes have to be a tad bit more torrid.

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