Things to Consider if Your Girlfriend Cheats on You

Last week we discussed what to do if YOU cheated – but what if SHE does?

Catrinel MenghiaI cannot imagine a feeling more painful than being betrayed by the one you love.

Relationships are supposed to foster trust and honesty – and a deceitful act of infidelity can destroy not only your relationship, but your trust in women all together.

While many men simply get up and leave, some choose to stick with the woman they love and forgive and forget. What would you do?

If you are one of those amazing people that can shake something like this off, I salute you. That is more than many people could ever do. Forgiveness takes real strength and humility.

Most of us (myself included) simply don’t have the patience for it. If you are on the fence about what to do, read on.

Chances are, your love for your girlfriend didn’t sever the minute she confessed to her indiscretion. This leaves you incredibly torn. If you are able to forgive her, how will this affect your relationship? Will you ever look at her the same way?

When making that critical decision as to whether to stay with a cheater or not consider the following:
  1. How serious is the relationship? If you are married to this person, this can get complicated. You made a commitment to stick with her through thick and thin (while she made a commitment to be loyal). If you choose to stay with a partner after they have cheated, it’s probably a good idea to go and talk to someone about it. Couples counselors specialize in helping couples get through infidelity because unfortunately they deal with it a lot.
  2. How serious was the cheating? There is a very thick line between kissing someone at the bar after 10 vodka tonics and sleeping with a hot male coworker while completely sober. Lack of sobriety should not make you feel better about the cheating, but it does change the circumstances somewhat. If your girlfriend constantly makes poor choices when she drinks, you could ask her to stop drinking as a condition of your forgiveness.
  3. Is this the first time? Has she done this before to you or anyone else? If this is a pattern of behavior it probably won’t stop. Unless you are okay with an “open relationship”, you probably want to reconsider her worthiness of your affection. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior and some people simply never change.
  4. Finally, you must begin to ask yourself what you deserve. Chances are, you deserve to be happy. Does being cheated on make you happy? No! No matter how sweet/sexy/charming/fun-loving she is, you don’t deserve to be treated like trash. A woman who cheats on you is disrespectful and immature. A real relationship is built upon honesty, loyalty and trust.
  5. There really is no way to downplay cheating or pretend that it is okay. It does not matter that you have been together for 10 years, or that you have grown a beer gut or that you have been less interested in sex lately.

No one deserves to be cheated on. If she does not desire you any more than you shouldn’t be together! 

Go out and find yourself someone that will adore you and make you feel loved and respected.

5 Things to Consider if Your Girlfriend Cheats on You is a post from: Dating Beautiful Women

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