Having Sex Like You Just Met (Even If You’ve Been Together Forever)

Happily-married man Doug Zeigler lists his favorite tips for bringing heat back into your relationship.

We all want to keep things as spicy in the bedroom, but every day life can get in the way of keeping the home fires burning.

Bills, kids, your job, commuting, being a chauffeur for all your children's activities, the million projects to do around the house… the list just never seems to end.

There is light at the end of the tunnel, though. If you do these ten easy and quick things each day, you can help set the stage for the kind of sex you had when you first met. Unbridled, unexpected and fun!

1) Hold hands as much as possible, even when you're just sitting on the couch. Touching creates intimacy and can lead to touching in other fun areas.
2) Send each other sexy texts at random times. Bonus points if you do it during a work meeting and make them blush!
3) Tell your partner at least one thing daily that you find irresistible about him or her.
4) Kiss publicly. Few things are sexier than the confidence to show the world you love them.
5) Tell them you love them. OFTEN. And mean it.
6) Don't wait for a chance to have sex; MAKE TIME.
7) Quickies are important; just don't make them your only diet sexually.
8) Explain your fantasies, and listen to theirs… then act them out.
9)  Get naked in the places where where you ordinarily wouldn’t – kitchen countertop? Go for it. In the shower? Absolutely!
10) Kiss your partner deeply, like you mean it, like you did when things were new and the possibilities are endless.
Sounds simple, doesn't it? That's because it can be simple. How hard is it to show the person you love that you actually love them?
Be bold, be spontaneous, be present and above all, be together. Let your imagination be your guide.
So what are you waiting for? Grab the one you love and have at it! Most importantly, make your own list of things that fit your relationship and your life together!

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