Overcoming the Fear of Meeting Women

All of us posses variety of character traits and some of them we are very proud of, some we admit to whereas there are some of them we do hate. And of course there is this other cluster that we’d for sure like to change- the fear of meeting women being one of them. 
While there’s nothing really wrong with being afraid of women, partly there is a rub; many people aren’t happy being shy of women simply because they do find that it prevents them from making friends with the women, or even expressing themselves in their presence. It confines, it is dark and makes one feel so lonely. It could make you get nervous sometimes, and maybe terrified anytime you are around women. 
This trait really is such a debilitating for many men around us, and especially when it comes to romance. However, overcoming this particular subconscious fear about meeting women is very possible. If this shyness has kept you from meeting somebody so special then below are some few tips to help you in overcoming it.
Stop being so needy, or say desperate; you have to let go off the need to have a woman around you, you will not only feel relieved about chatting with women, but probably you will become a more fun of a person to be around.
Always learn not to take rejection personally, say if a woman does not seem interested in talking to you, maybe she could be a snob, but if she is not then maybe she’s not attracted to you. So how do you handle this? This lady could possibly be stereotyping you meaning it’s basically her fault and not yours. If you are really not the type of a guy she would want, that doesn’t mean you aren’t someone else’s type. So just stop taking things personally.
Try practicing with a friend. One of the major factors about being afraid of meeting women is the fear of rejection. Yeah. To do away this fear, get out there and approach a woman for a friend. You will realize that your own ego won’t be at stake here, you will probably be much more less inhabit in your approach.
Start by asking some simple questions like “how is your day?” Stop being worried so much about a clever opening line.

Always learn to be a good listener. This is a trait that most people may not posses. Don’t do all the talking and let your woman also talk about themselves at least for quite some time. Try asking her some open-ended questions, then sit back and listen. One thing about women is that they like people who’ll sit right there and listen to them. If your conversation lulls, think of a new topic.

Change your attitude. There’s an old adage that says “you can take the horse to the river but you cannot force it to drink the water.” Likewise, in order for you to overcome the fear of meeting women, you must have the desire to do so. You must be ready to change your mind-set. This is a change that must be real in order for you to reach your target. It should not just be a vague aspiration.

The above tips will help you overcome the fear of meeting women, so start practicing them and you’ll find yourself being one of the best in the field of dating.