Talk To Women

Have you have seen a woman so beautiful that all you can think about is to grab her by her waist, bring her close, kiss her crazily then whisper the three magic words- I Love You?

 I guess your answer is yes. Did you do it or did you find yourself anxious and speechless? 

For most men, such a situation would elicit anxiety and speechlessness.

In the world of today, striking a conversation with a woman is even more difficult. This is because women are more cunning, intelligent, and calculative and above all are increasingly becoming aware of their rights. Any wrong move and you could find yourself behind bars for sexual assault.

 Knowing how to talk to women can also make or break an already established relationship.

In this article, you will find out just knowing how to talk to women can boost your prowess and experience in befriending, dating or convincing a woman of interest. If you follow them, you can get almost any woman you set your eyes on and this is a guarantee.

Determine her interest

The most embarrassing thing is to start speaking to a woman who has absolutely no interest in conversing with you. However, how do you tell she is interested? Take a quick gaze at her, relax and wait for her to notice, then with a bewitching smile look away.

An interested woman will surely keep an eye contact with you when you look back. If she simply looks away or avoids any eye contact then she is not ready. Let her be!

Approach her until you get to a talking distance

Even after realizing there is interest, you still need to find an excuse to get close to her. This can be quite difficult especially if you can seem to find something close to her that can be of common interest.

 If she is at the library perusing books or even reading, at the bar or shopping mall approach is easier.

 On the other hand, if she seems to be too engrossed into whatever she is doing, you may have crack your head harder to get an excuse but you must do it.

Initiate a quality conversation

This is the next step on how to talk to women. The first thing you say will determine whether the conversation will continue or stop right there.

 It is good to start with a general statement and end it with an open-ended question.

 This question really does not need an answer; it is intended to start the conversation that will open into more personalized discussion of yourself.

Keep the conversation lively and organic

Once you have established the conversation. It is time to maintain it. Be as charismatic as possible to in your body language as well as with your words. Women love to talk about life and not things like technology and the like. Connect with her as much as possible, speaking from your heart and not from your head.

In addition, tell her something small about yourself. Desist from showing any sign of pride like trying to tell her how intelligence you are. It is for her to gauge how intelligent you are from your behavior and conversation.

Offer her your full attention

Respond to all her questions appropriately and humorously. Do not confuse being interesting and showing interest on what she has to say.

Listening to her words, laughing at her jokes and making her your primary point of focus will give her the confidence you care about her. Do not allow any thing to distract you in any way.

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