10 Best Pickup Artist Blogs

Bragging Rights: helping men succeed with women

A bold, fearless and confidence-building approach is in store at Love Systems, featuring a full PUA panel of more than two dozen experts and contributors. Men of all styles, ages and backgrounds can find a solid resource in their pages, with open forums and endless content. Practically a home base in the PUA universe, it brings together perhaps the largest community of seduction specialists.
Social Clout: 648+ followers


Bragging Rights: what really works with women

seduction10bestFrom Speed Seduction creator Ross Jeffries comes the Seduction.com blog, a testosterone-powered source for getting the girl fast. The Seduction blog prides itself on offering "the no holds barred truth” about what women really want. Live training is even available, alongside a library of videos for mastering your mack.
Social Clout: 7,425+ followers, 1,789+ likes

PUA Trainingpuatraining.com


Bragging Rights: natural mastery with women and dating

Internationally recognized as one of the world's great seducers, Richard La Ruina is the author of “The Natural Art of Seduction.” His site brings a boot camp-like approach to combating shyness, lack of technique or overall confidence and how to overcome such obstacles. La Ruina pours his heart and instincts into pieces like “The 5 Laws of Attraction and Why You Must Obey Them.”
Social Clout: 13,496+ followers, 236+ likes

Ten Magnettenmagnet.com


Bragging Rights: real dating advice that works

Chris Shepherd's blog centers around dating advice that doesn’t fail, mixing humor and genuinely practical tips into the art of seduction. From advice and video tutorials, the site tracks Shepherd's global effort to help men mate better, including tours in Europe, Australia and the U.S. Ways to maximize your looks and talents are continually explored, along with the many misconceptions surrounding females.
Social Clout: 1,542+ followers, 91+ likes

Sasha PUAsashapua.com


Bragging Rights: a unique system for meeting amazing women

Sasha Daygame's site is a playful but serious source, offering an original way to get the women you want. As a touring comic and legendary wingman, Sasha brings his A-game to how-to videos and articles from his international tour of training sessions. The content has a fresh and direct approach, with pieces like "Stop Trying to Get Laid and Get Good with Women."
Social Clout: 6,062+ likes, 1,626+ followers

PUA Lingopualingo.com


Bragging Rights: the pickup artist’s encyclopedia

PUA Lingo’s mission is to organize the information in the world of seduction and make it universally accessible, helping men (and women) conquer hearts. PUA Lingo looks at the long-term mission and the immediate prize, offering dating tips and a variety of styles to impress. Understanding the history, methods and yes – lingo – of the pickup artist is their bread and butter.
Social Clout: 3,779+ followers, 2,602+ likes

ABCs of Attractionabcsofattraction.com


Bragging Rights: success with women made easy

The ABCs of Attraction bills itself as a truly holistic approach to improving one's inner self, making a more attractive person overall. As the world's only holistic multicultural PUA base, it provides an atmosphere of confidence and accomplishment through a large well of resources. With their series “Laws of Attraction,” they cover skills like "How ABCDEF Will Get You More Girls.”
Social Clout: 4,433+ likes, 974+ followers

Braddock's Blogbraddocksblog.com


Bragging Rights: a pickup transformation

World famous dating coach Braddock pens a blog targeted at helping just about any man, often through the same "Pickup Transformation" the author crafted for himself. Braddock's approach is tightening up the skill level, looking for weaknesses in your game and applying his proven methods of seduction. From dating Ms. Hooters to picking up a woman on the Maxim Top 100, he has ran the gauntlet.
Social Clout: 8,118+ followers, 109+ likes

Life with Soullifewithsoul.com


Bragging Rights: Love. Sex. Lifestyle.

At Life with Soul, founder Jeremy Soul brings his full home-study course for pickup artists right to the desktop. Critical analysis on "Flaws of Pickup Artistry" find cracks in common approaches, while articles like "8 Insights to Progress Your Journey Faster" bring new styles and techniques to the hunt. A full roster of video and article support is also available.
Social Clout: 6,267+ followers, 935+ likes

The Real Savoytherealsavoy.com


Bragging Rights: reaping the benefits of lessons learned

As president and founder of Love Systems, Nick Savoy's approach to PUA skill is rooted in understanding women better. His successful dating bible "Magic Bullets" was culled from thousands of nights doing it the wrong way. His boot camps have even been held at the Playboy Mansion, the Mount Everest of PUA, and field reports, contributors and coaches bring the latest in seduction technique.
Social Clout: 7,599+ followers